June 2018 President’s Message

This is the busiest time of the year for tractor enthusiasts. Covered Bridge is up first for me and several other CIGC members. Right behind that is the Olde Time Farm Show featuring John Deere. It will feature members John Evans, Denny Jepson and not a member but still a good guy, Jim Hubly. John is bringing his numbered series. Some other Club members are trying to build the 20 Series and 30 Series for display. It should be fun. I will need some help on Saturday at 2 pm as CIGC has agreed to present the Tractor Games. It should also be fun. On the heals of OTFS, the Bonfield Fourth of July Celebration will occur including the Parade, tractor show and best of all, the tractor pull. Last year’s event was a really good time and a lot of members participated in many of the events. I’ll have some flyers. Historic Farm Days in Penfield will be 8 days later featuring Oliver National Summer Show. This event is always a good time and features harvesting, plowing and 2 nights of tractor pulling. On July 14th the Herscher Squeals and Wheels event happens in downtown Herscher. The features are a Car Show which CIGC helps judge, tractors and a barbeque cook off. All monies are donated to local area charities. Come join the fun. Just a week later is Will County Thresherman’s at the Spies farm in Wilton Center, IL. There will be the Show and demonstrations, tractor pull and the 6th Annual Peotone Educational Foundation and Peotone FFA Tractor Ride. That’s a mouth full. The ride benefits the FFA from Peotone Schools. The Peotone FFA Alumni will feature a ride of about 34 miles leaving from WCTA’s site and ending with a pork chop dinner. The cost is $65 including lunch (additional lunches available ($15). Call or email Jim Robbins at 815-592-8293 or jimrobbins@urbancom.net to reserve your spot. July 28th is the CIGC Ride to the Veteran’s. We will leave John Evan’s home in Bonfield and end at Manteno Veteran’s home. (I need someone to pull the trailer there). Come join us for lunch even if you don’t ride. Ride the River August 25th will frame our Summer. I still need volunteers to do odd jobs, nothing to strenuous just those pesky details. I need you guys and gals to step up a little on the Sponsors. Remember the reason we are doing this is to support our local FFAs. Smile for the camera and I’ll see you out there.  –– Craig

2018 Barnyard Class Tractor Pull Events

If you have an antique tractor and wish to participate in a tractor pull, we have put together a list of events that are hosting a tractor pull.  These events have classes for smaller traditional antique tractors and are quite a bit of fun to watch and participate in.  

Here is the most most current list of 2018 events for our area:  2018 Barnyard Tractor Pulls

(uploaded 2018-05-23)

May 2018 Presidents Message

Summer finally arrived in a big way. I don’t know when I have seen so much corn planted in such a little time. Hopefully everyone will finish planting by the next meeting so we can have some Tractor fun. There will be shows, rides and parades all summer long. Come join the fun. On April 25th the CIGC Directors met at my home. We discussed the Greensheet newsletter after
Kathy’s passing. I spoke to Mr. Weber directly who assures me that Weber Printing will continue to be our printer and that other employees will be stepping up to make it happen. At the Directors meeting we also talked about the slow sales on the pedal tractor and hay wagon and that we need to step that up at the Shows in order to meet our goals. That topic brought out a discussion on the locations that the trailer will be for the summer. We are sure that the trailer will be at OTFS, WCTA, the Veteran’s home and Pontiac. We encourage anyone who would like to bring it to any of the other shows to let Craig know. Speaking of OTFS, we have agreed to provide the Tractor Games on Saturday, June 30th around 2 pm after the pedal tractor pull. We will need a few helpers to set up and run the games. We will again leave from John Evan’s Home for the Vet’s Ride, more will be said at our meeting on times. I also need someone to take the trailer. The remainder of the evening was spent identifying tasks and assigning duties for Ride the River. Many of the Directors will have several duties that Club Members can help with. We will talk more about that as we get closer to the Ride. Lastly, we talked about possibly having another swap meet at the Evans farm in the Spring of ‘19.  –– Craig

April 2018 President’s Message

As I look out my window this morning there is about 2 inches of new snow on the ground and we have yet to put two decent days together since winter came. Bah Humbug! I really hope Spring is still coming. Our March meeting featured Alan Baker owner of Kankakee Starter and Alternator Service. His information was well received and we all appreciate him coming to our meeting. Thanks Alan! On March 31st approximately 22 Club members arrived at Rodney’s for Coffee, donuts and great tractor bench racing. For those of you who have not been to Rodney’s lately it really was a treat. You will get another chance this Fall when we will plow at Rodney’s. The first tractor ride of the season was last Saturday in a lot of sunshine but oh, that wind. It really is time to think about our good weather activities. We will have our Club ride on June 2nd with the Herscher Historical Society Ham and Bean Lunch. I just received a listing of all the Barnyard Class Pulling Events for the year. There are 11 listed so far this year. Art will help us keep up to date on this. It has generated some excitement especially among the young. The first 2 listed are Thee Olde Time Farm Show and the Bonfield 4th of July Celebration. We will get a list. Remember, Our Ride the River Event will come on the last weekend of Summer, August 25th. It will be here before you know it. We will be looking for sponsors to help us make our goal. Remember that at the end of the event the goal is to support our local FFA students and help them finance their future projects and education. Several CIGC members and I assisted at the Kids Day at the Farm event where approximately 1200 4th grade children passed through over 2 days. The displays were quite interesting and I do believe it was the first time some of the children had contact with farm animals. I felt that it was time well spent. Thanks to the members who helped. Don’t forget to charge those batteries before attempting to start! See you in May.  

–– Craig

March 2018 President’s Message

This is our last meeting of the winter months. I have a guest speaker scheduled who has spoken in front of CIGC before. His name is Alan Baker and he is the owner of Kankakee Starter and Alternator Service, 1035 S. Schulyer Ave., Kankakee, IL 60901 815-939-3590. Alan and I discussed that he spoke to our Club more than 10 years ago! Alan will be bringing some new information about modern batteries, conversions to from 6 volts to 12 and the availability of parts for our tractors. He spoke recently and the Slow Boys and I heard it was a very informative evening.

Moving on to Kids Day at the Farm, the program will be Wednesday, March 21 and Thursday, March 22 at the Kankakee County Fairgrounds. Setup on Wednesday, March 21 will begin at 8 am. The students are at the program from 10 am to 2 pm. The cleanup begins around 2 pm on Thursday, March 22 and help is appreciated. Contact Chad at ankfb@sbcglobal.com or 815-932-7471. If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know ahead of time. I will have a signup sheet at the meeting. Your time is valuable to the project and what better way to support
our mission. I will see you there.

I have begun the process to convert our Club to a 501C3. I have received the paperwork and have decided to pair up with Anthony Settle who will be performing the same service for Olde Time Farm Show.

Brad Eike and I will be at the Seneca FFA High School toy show with our pedal tractor on March 24 from 9am till end if anyone cares to join with us. It’s a nice show with some tractors on display just in case you have a little Spring Fever. We have a new member, Calvin Bisping from the New Lenox area. Please welcome him aboard.

–– Craig

Ride the River 2018

Ride the River is back!  Tractor enthusiasts from all over are invited to bring their tractors and participate in the 2018 “Ride the River” Vintage Tractor Ride, scheduled for Saturday, August 25, 2018.

The goal of this event is to raise funds to help support students of the Central, Dwight, Herscher, Iroquois West, Manteno, Peotone, River Valley, and Tri Point FFA chapters, while providing tractor riders with an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the Kankakee River Valley.

Our Goal in 2018 is to once again help ensure the continued growth for our local FFA Chapters. This year on August 25, 2018 we will present Ride The River 2018.

If you are interested in riding you can get an entry form on our web site or for more info contact Craig Long, Central Illinois Green Club President, 815-263-7008.

February 2018 President’s Message

Most of the members know that I have been aligning some of our positions with Chad Miller and the Kankakee County Farm Bureau. The reason is very simple. Chad and the Farm Bureau have been looking out for our interest in this very troubling time on the farm. Topics such as land acquisitions by the government and or utilities, water shed, chemical retention and relations with our government officials are very important. But the other side of the Bureau is that they support great ideas that we have in common with our Club. Part of our mission statement states that we will educate people to preserve our way of life. Since 2002 we have been working toward those mission goals with scholarships though KCC, donations to local FFA’s and donations to other Clubs who we have common goals with. I want to remind everyone that scholarship applications being taken currently to the Kankakee County Farm Bureau Foundation offering financial support to those furthering their education in an agriculturally related field of study. Last year, nine $1000 scholarships were awarded to Kankakee County students . If you have a son, daughter, grand child or just know a senior who has needs, you can contact Chad at kankfb@sbcglobal.com or 815-932-7471.

All that being said, The Club has supported Kids Day at the Farm since Eldon Chapman brought the idea to the Club. We have contributed $250 again this year to help promote the event. This year Chad has asked the Club if there are some volunteers at the Club who could help them manage some 1500 students that will pass through on the two-day event. Here are his needs.

The program will be Wednesday, March 21 and Thursday, March 22 at the Kankakee County fairgrounds. Setup on Wednesday, March 21 will begin at 8 am and we will need help with that. The students are at the program from 10 am to 2 pm and we will need assistance with a variety of things during that time frame as well. The cleanup begins around 2 pm on Thursday, March 22 and help is appreciated with that too.

Here is a breakdown of the volunteer roles we need to fill:

1. Setup tables and chairs, and other materials on Weds, March 21 at 8 am to 10 am. Also, ssistance with putting together animal pens for the animal building. There are five animal exhibits.

2. Assist with getting students off the school buses as they arrive. Both Weds, March 21 and Thurs, March 22 at around 9 am to 10 am. Each classroom will have a large box filled with their
lunches. That large box will have to be taken from the bus and brought into the main building.

3. Keeping time in the animal building. An instruction sheet will be provided. This would be from 10 am to 2 pm on both Weds and Thurs.

4. Tearing down the tables, chairs, sweeping, and general cleaning up after the program is done at 2 pm on Thursday. Depending on how many FFA students we have helping, it may be that we need a few additional volunteers to guide the classrooms around from presentation to presentation. That would be both days (Weds and Thurs). If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know ahead of time. I will have a signup sheet at the February meeting. Your time is valuable to the project and what better way to support our mission.   –– Craig

January 2018 President’s Message

As I look out my window today it is hard to believe that a few weeks ago we were talking about how warm is was for December. This morning it is +2 degrees outside and looks like the frozen Tundra. What a difference a few weeks can make. Speaking of, by the time you get your newsletter we probably have already been to the first toy show of the year at the Atrium for Peotone FFA. It will be quickly followed by the National Farm Show in Louisville which is followed by the IH Winter Convention which is followed by the Senenca Toy Show which is followed by the Sublette and so it goes. It seems like this last year just flew by. If anyone has information about events and their dates, please send them on to me. We probably have also had our first Directors meeting by now too. We are going to talk a lot about the Ride the River event and lining up sponsors. My hope is that we can far succeed 2016 goal so that we can begin sending funds to the FFAs every year. I think it will help them budget better than every other year. We will also talk about some of the events coming this summer and decide how we can best represent CIGC. On a different note the pink barge wagon has been ordered and should be here in early February. If anyone would like to take the pair to a Show to sell some tickets, that would help out greatly.

–– Craig

December 2018 President’s Message

It is hard to believe that another year has gone by. By my estimation, 2017 was a blur. There are now more tractor related activities than ever and Green Club members are participating in almost every one locally and then some. Green Club started our year with selling raffles at the Peotone Toy Show, went on the include several guest speakers at our meetings and then came the “Tractor Season.” On nearly any given weekend there was a tractor show, a tractor pull, a tractor ride, somewhere within the reach of Green Club members. Members attended the Morris Tractor Ride, the Herscher Historical Ride, OTFS, Will County Thresherman’s, Penfield I&I Show, our own mini-show at the Kankakee County Fair and more in between. Then came the Half Century Show which by all estimations was the Greatest Tractor Show on Earth! Ok, so one of the greatest shows. Then came the Fall. There were more Antique Tractor Pulls and more participants that ever! This seems to be quite a trend and a direction that is enjoyed not only by us more mature folks, but did you see all those younger folks out there pulling. I hope we continue to support this. It seems likely that we like them tractors in motion, makin’ smoke and getting ‘er done.

2018 will be another busy year. There will be many rides and shows for CIGC members to attend. OTFS is featuring Charter Members and John Deere, Will County Thresherman’s have a new venue in Wilton Center and the National Oliver Show is in Penfield. Oh, did I mention the Central Illinois Green Club is having a tractor ride called “Ride the River.” Everyone, remember those Club members who have passed and have a “Safe and Joyous Holiday.” See everyone in the New Year and please, have a really good one.

This month’s feature is in remembrance of Leo Dumas who left us 1 year ago December 4th, 2016. Leo grew up in the Goodrich area the son of Paul Dumas who was also a farmer. Leo graduated from Herscher High School and began working for Legris Manufacturing located on Old Lehigh road right away. He met Dorothy “Dotty” Kamp from Chebanse, married and had 6 children. Sandy, Becky, Nancy, Judy, Karen and Suzie. They lived in Aroma Park, Manteno and finally settling in Goodrich. Leo grain farmed but also had cattle, hogs, chickens and rabbits. Becky tells Nancy, Judy, Karen and Suzie. They lived in Aroma Park, Manteno and finally settling in Goodrich. Leo grain farmed but also had cattle, hogs, chickens and rabbits. Becky tells us that they (the daughters) were his ranch hands, having to care for the animals and help run the farm. Becky tells us that Leo enjoyed his place in Sebring Florida very much and in later years couldn’t wait to get the crops out so he could go there. Leo enjoyed antiquing, helping his neighbors with projects and traveling to Hawaii. Leo also enjoyed his tractors in later years. He collected and restored several John Deeres including a 4020 that was left to him by the owner of Legris  Manufacturing. He rode it in the 2016 Herscher Parade and was very proud of it. Leo also owned and restored his dad’s International MTA. Mark Chapman a friend and Club member said that Leo kept good care of his equipment while farming and that Mark and his father Eldon purchased a 4450 at Leo’s farm sale. Mark says that Leo was pleased to see that something he had stayed where he could see it used. Mark also bought a John Deere 630 from Leo when he decided to downsize. Mark had a special connection with the tractor prior to Leo’s ownership. He is very happy to have made the purchase for 2 reasons.

John and Nancy Evans shared a memory which I had forgotten. Leo was a Charter member of CIGC. He was also a director in the beginning. At the beginning it became obvious that the Club needed a place to store all of its things and a way to bring them to the Shows. It was decided that a pull type trailer would be perfect for the job and one was selected. The problem was that being a young new Club, we did not have the cash to make the purchase. Leo stepped up and loaned the Club the money, interest free! Over time, the Club paid Leo and Dotty back. It has been a good purchase for the Club and still serves us well. Thanks Leo and & Dotty!

November 2017 President’s Message

On October 19th, 2017 the Kankakee Community College Foundation held their annual meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn Convention Center. Mark Chapman and I attended and sat with the recipient of our Scholarship. I want you to meet Nicole Neiner who is the 2017 recipient of the CIGC Agriculture/Horticulture Scholarship. She lives in Manteno, IL and will transfer to a larger University upon completion of KCC. She seems quite bright, easy to talk to and I am sure she is a good fit for our Scholarship. The Olde Time Farm Show has invited CIGC members to ride on the people mover for the Bradley Christmas Parade on December 1. They are meeting at 5pm to decorate the float at the Perry Farm. They will be distributing (5) 5 gallon buckets of candy to the children along the way. The parade starts at 5:30.

This month’s featured member is someone you all think you know well, but do you? John is 69 years young and was born in Fairbury, IL to Claude and Sally Fulton. John’s father was related to the beloved Bishop Fulton Sheen who helped Claude get his start in farming. Claude sharecrop farmed near Chatsworth until 1952 when he was able to buy his own farm in Herscher, IL. John was about four years old. John attended Herscher Grade School and Herscher High School where he met his sweetheart and now wife Loretta. John worked at Roper Corporation upon graduation until he was drafted in March of 1968. John did basic at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri and then was sent to San Antonio, Texas for medical training to become an Army Medic. He was then sent to Dong Kam (sp???) Vietnam to join the 9th Infantry. John earned his Medal of Valor as a member of the 9th Infantry. On May 13th, 1969 during the Tet Offensive of 1968 in Ben Tre’, Vietnam, John was critically wounded while attached to another Army unit. The unit was on patrol of a trail along a river when a mine exploded injuring other soldiers. John was severely injured by a land mine as he attempted to give aid to the injured soldiers thus earning his Purple Heart. Through a miraculous series of events and the actions of his fellow officers, John was able to survive the incident and return home to Herscher and to marry is wife of 47 years, Loretta. John has maintained a relationship with many of those soldiers yet today. Together Fulton’s have 3 living children, Monica, Brad and Brent. A fourth child Eric died from spinal meningitis at the age of 2. John remembers that Eric was his combine child who, at the age of 2 could spot all brands of combines and would have to test them out whenever he got near one.

John retired from the Army August 20th, 1970 after a long recovery from his injuries. He returned to work at the Roper Corporation and served as a personnel manager working with Corporate heads Bill McGrath, Jamie Gibson and Max Hoover. John says he was treated very well and was respected by Roper Corporate officials. In 1974 John’s father passed leaving the farm to become a full-time job for John. At one time he was farming nearly 1000 acres. John also became involved with Manteno Veteran’s Home where he worked for 13 years. His duties included Chief of Security and Advocate for the Homeless Veterans. John is currently the Commander of Chapter 34 of the Disabled American Veterans and a member of the Kankakee Veterans Assistance Commission as well as member of the Herscher Legion. John is also member of the Kankakee County 100 Club, the Kankakee County Corn Growers as well as CIGC, OTFS, WCTA, Slow Boys and probably a few I missed.

So here might be the part you don’t know. After returning home from Vietnam, John decided to go back to school at Kankakee Community College (KCC). He holds 3 Associate Degrees. He became President of the KCC Alumni Association for many years and established the KCC Veteran’s Club and was president of it too. He was asked to join the KCC Foundation Board because of his dedicated work at KCC with the Alumni Association. In 2009 John was the first recipient of the Alumni Award and immediately it was renamed the “John M. Fulton Distinguished Alumni Award.” The recipients exemplify the following: Outstanding success and distinction in chosen field, Humanitarian service that has proven greatly beneficial to society, Continued interest in/support of education and community colleges, Overcoming life’s obstacles and Completion of a recognized program of instruction at KCC. John considers the Award a “great honor.” Did I mention he is only 69 years young? That’s a lot to do in a short amount of time!

As you may already know, John and his sons collect IH and Case tractors. I also hear that there are a couple of strays that have invaded the shed too. Maybe we can get a tour someday? John told me that he really enjoys being a member of all of the Clubs. He says “it’s all about the people you meet and the friends you make.”
Thank you, John, for who you are. — Craig