President’s Message – September 2024

I’m looking forward to nice long holiday weekend and I’m sure you are too. We’ve had plenty of the usual summer events to enjoy and even though it gets hectic trying to fit them all in somehow, we do it. There are plenty more to come so just watch the Greensheet.

If you’re ever in need of help finding a recipe for desserts, etc. check out Mary’s Good News. There’s something for everybody. Umm, Umm Good!! Speaking of events, Saturday September 7th will be Rodney Schwark Plow Day with coffee ans donuts at 8:30 am. Depending on the dew, plowing may start at 9:00 am. Bring a tractor a plow, or bring a gator. A loader tractor will be on site. You must join the club to plow at a $30.00 membership fee. You will receive the Greensheet and we prefer you give us an email address, phone number and home address. There is a four bottom plow max.

On Friday September 13th the Club will be taking the iron horses to the Manteno Veterans Home. Be at Jim Morgan’s shop by 9:00 am for coffee and donuts. We will leave from there by 9:30 am and after our visit there we will mount up and head to Mayberry Junction restaurant in Manteno. Where we park there will be discussed at Morgan’s shop before we head out.

Don’t forget our membership meeting on September 18th at 7:00 pm. I hope to see you at all of these events. Please pray for those who are ill and the families that have lost a loved one. Always remember our Veterans. Be safe everyone and God Bless you all.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – August 2024

Here we are in August and before we know it Labor Day weekend will be here.

Did everyone enjoy some of the county fairs, tractor shows and pulls? There have been more than enough to choose from and a few more to come. CIGC has more events to come as well. Our August membership meeting is Wednesday the 21st, 7:00 pm, Bonfield. On Labor Day weekend there is the Herscher parade and the club will participate in it. The real fun will be on September 7th at Rodney Schwark’s farm CIGC plow day. September 13th has our tractor ride to the Manteno Veterans Home. Details for these events will be finalized at the next meeting. Signup sheets
will also be available to RSVP for each event.

Are there any other members having a plow day or tractor ride this year? If so, we need to get it scheduled. Please remember, we couldn’t be doing any of these things if it weren’t for the dedicated men and women that defend our freedom. Some made the ultimate sacrifice or may have retired or continue to serve. They’ve earned and deserve everyone’s respect. Remember to pray for them and their families and anyone who has lost a loved one or is battling an illness.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – July 2024

How is everyone doing? I’m sure everyone is a lot happier now than last month when there were many unplanted fields. Crops are really growing fast and looking good. Hopefully the weather gives us a few more breaks so the side dressing and spraying gets finished. There’s plenty to do after the farming is finished. The county fairs, festivals and tractor shows are going strong. Tractor pulls and tractor rides are just too much choose from here on through the Fall.

There are some important shows coming up this month. The I & I Historic Farm Days, Will County Threshermen’s Show, Kempton Days and the Kankakee County Fair. There’s a great tractor ride on July 27th at the Kickapoo State Park that you shouldn’t miss. Proceeds will be donated to the Vermillion Cancer Society. Further details and contact information can be found in the Green Sheet. I urge everyone to attend these events if possible.

The Will County Thresherman’s group can always use some help with the show, so, give them a call and see where you can be of assistance.

If you need an addition to your recipe files then please check out Mary’s Good News section of the Greensheet for a monthly treat.

Always remember to “Thank A Vet”. They continue to keep our country safe while we are enjoying life at a party or in our comfy home.

Please keep those who may be ill or mourning the loss of a loved one in your prayers. Too many times we get in a hurry or really busy and we forget to give a hug or say good bye. Remember this, next opportunity may never come. I’d like to say thank you to everyone for the hugs, kind words and thoughtfulness you expressed after the loss of my wife, Janet.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – June 2024

I hope by now that everyone has been able to catch a break in the weather and get the crops planted. It’s always a beautiful site to watch as the rows and rows of the corn or soybeans grow and mature for harvest. So, with the calendar flipping to June everyone should be getting prepared for the next tractor ride, plow day or show. They just keep on coming from here on, so keep the fuel tanks full and ready to go. Our first ride is June 7th to the Manteno Veterans Home. I hope everyone can make it. Details are available by calling Jim Morgan at 708-516-1884 and to Rsvp. Bring a friend and enjoy some coffee and donuts with us before it starts. Our next meeting is June 19th at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. Keep your eyes on the Greensheet for upcoming events. Join our new club Facebook page as well to get the latest news.

Please remember to be careful out there and very cautious when traveling down our roads. That’s no matter what you are driving. I’m sure you’ve all seen a few close ones on the roads. It’s very obvious that drivers aren’t paying attention and have no respect for the other guy. Don’t assume they will stop or yield or give you the right of way you are entitled to by law. It’s a race track out there everyday. Get up earlier, drive a bit slower, and enjoy it when you get there. As always remember those who may be ill and those who may have lost a loved one. Feel free to call me with any news or suggestions. If you don’t leave a voicemail and your name I will not respond. Enjoy life one day at a time everyone. It’s too short and there is no time machine to go back on and do it over.

Sincerely, Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – April 2024

Here we are in April enjoying the rain that is said to bring May flowers. I think we all love flowers but it’s planting time. I sincerely hope we get a break here soon. Our April 17th meeting will be at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall at 7:00 pm. We will be catching up on things the club will be doing and are looking to hear your input on what ideas you as members have. We plan to be more aggressive with promoting the club at more events. Again, your input is welcomed.

I hope to see everyone there on the 17th. Please bring some friends. As always keep our Veterans in your prayers. Also please keep our members their families and friends in your prayers as some of them are dealing with health issues or may have lost a loved one.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – March 2024

We’ve made it to March again and another meteorological winter is behind us. I’m sure most of us have heard the old saying about March and the lamb and the lion. So, since March is coming in like a lamb what’s in store for April Fools Day? Let’s hope for the best. We have a lot of important events coming up this month including various toy shows. On the 20th and 21st, Kids Day at the Farm at the Kankakee Fairgrounds. Once again, we have donated to this and any of our members are welcome to attend and offer assistance. It begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m. both days. Another event we support is the Herscher 4H Pancake Breakfast on April 7th from 8 a.m. – noon at the Herscher Legion Hall. Don’t forget our Director’s meeting on March 27th that will start at 6 p.m. at Craig’s. I look forward to seeing all of the Directors then. Our next membership meeting will be April 17th at 7 p.m. in Bonfield at the Lions Club Hall. Be sure to check the Greensheet for more important dates. Be safe everyone and say a prayer for those with health issues or may have lost a loved one.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – February 2024

I hope everyone had a safe January. I’m happy to see January behind us. We survived a winter month of temperature extremes with a taste of spring, fall and winter. We’ve got a way to go yet before spring but everyday gets a little longer and hopefully milder. Just remember from past experiences don’t bet on those groundhogs.

Just another reminder that our next membership meeting will be April 17, 2024. Our next Directors meeting will be March 27, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Craig’s.

Do you know of any new events for 2024? Now is not too early to bring them to our attention. There are a lot of upcoming events already listed in the Greensheet. Get your dates to Craig ASAP so they don’t get left out.

Does anyone want to take a ride? Now is the time to bring your ideas to my attention so the planning can begin. 2024 is looking good for some club tractor rides since there will not be a Rantoul show this year. This will free up that weekend for us.

Recently Jim Morgan and I delivered the second half of the approved donations of pop and individually wrapped snack cakes to the Manteno Veterans Home. This will always be appreciated by them. I sincerely hope we will continue to make these donations. Let’s never forget our Veterans and keep them in your prayers. Whether active or not they have all dedicated their lives to make ours safer and now they need us to make theirs a bit better.

As always, I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. Keep those in your prayers that have lost loved ones or are ill.

To all Directors, we have a lot to talk about at the March Directors meeting. Is there something you have on your mind that you want on the agenda? Please call me, text or email. I’ll look forward to seeing our members in April.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – January 2024

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the holidays with family and friends.

The winter has been mild so far but everyone needs to keep the boots and gloves handy.

This days are flying by fast. Please remember there will not be a regular meeting until April. Our Greensheet will be sent out every month as usual and if you don’t receive it let us know. Send any information you would like to have added to us by mail or email. It’s free to all members as always.

I hope everyone stays healthy and cold weather and snow is coming. Remember our Veterans active or not and pray for those who are ill or have lost loved ones.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – December 2023

By now most of us won’t want to see anymore turkey. It’s those side dishes that we never seem to lose a taste for. I hope everyone enjoyed a great Thanksgiving feast with the family. This is usually an opportunity to have the annual (if you can stay awake!) discussion about planning the family Christmas party. The search for the perfect tree will certainly also be an enjoyable trip the following weekend. Then it won’t be long the gifts will be piling up under the tree and the guessing will begin. As kids we just couldn’t resist to shake, rattle and squeeze those beautifully wrapped treasures. So, if you were not on the naughty list there should be something under there for you. Speaking of lists, I hope everyone signed up for this year’s Christmasparty? If not yet call or text Ann please. Also don’t forget the CIGC annual meeting is always the same night with the Christmas party on December 13th at 6:00 p.m. at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. Just a reminder that there will not be membership meetings in January, February and March.

During this Holiday season please don’t forget the families that have lost loved ones or those who may be ill. I hope to see all of you at the next meeting. Be safe everyone and Happy Holidays!

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – November 2023

Here we are in a fall that’s giving everyone a longer harvest season than expected.

We will get through it we always do. The holidays are closing in fast and we all need to get together with the families. Our CIGC November potluck dinner is coming up on the 15th at 6:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. Members can bring desserts and the rest is supplied by the club. We will be having our Annual Meeting and Christmas Dinner in December at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall.

We will be discussing details at the November meeting and in the Greensheet. Please keep everyone dealing with health issues and anyone that’s lost loved ones in your Prayers. I hope everyone can attend our potluck and annual meeting Christmas party. Until then be safe and stay healthy.

Dave Wehrmann