President’s Message – July 2022

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather. It’s been quite a change from this spring. The tractor rides have been great and the good weather has helped a lot. This year is no different than others for things to do. There’s something for everyone to choose from.

Many of our members belong to the Will County Thresherman’s Club. Don’t forget their show July 21-24 at The Spiess Farm. Ride the River on August 20th will be here before you know it. Most of the planning is done and the route is set. It’s going to be another great one.

If your planning on riding we need your application and entry fees as soon as possible. August 10th is the deadline. We rely on head count to order hats and meals. We can always use additional help with this event. Let me know if you are interested. Our next CIGC membership meeting is July 20th, 7:00pm at Bonfield Lions Club Hall. Please don’t forget to include those who are dealing with illnesses or loss of loved ones in your Prayers. Let us know so the Club can mention this at our meeting and send a card. I hope to see all of you at our next meeting.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – June 2022

Hello Members and Friends!
I hope everyone enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend. I want to say Thank You to all Veterans who have served and those serving our Country and their families. And never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice. So here we are in June already. I’m sure we can all agree this has been a challenging spring. As always things will get better.
We just have to think positive and keep on going. If it rains, sit back and read the Greensheet. There’s a lot of important things coming up to do. And if you are hungry check out Mary’s Good News and strap on the apron. There’s something for everyone’s taste buds. Our next membership meeting is June 15 @ 7:00pm @ the Bonfield Lions Cub Hall. Bring some friends with you. Don’t forget we have the RTR application forms.
Secure your spot early on another great ride. All proceeds support CIGC. Say a Prayer for those who have lost loved ones and our Members who can’t attend due to health issues. Stay safe everyone and I’ll see you on the 15th.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – May 2022

I’m sure by now we’ve all had enough rain and cloudy days.
Sunshine and summer-like temps are forecast and they are definitely a welcome sight. Another welcome sight will be all of the delicious dishes and desserts our members will be bringing to our potluck meeting on May 18th. CIGC will supply the chicken and drinks.
Be at the Bonfield Lions Hall at 6:00 pm. with your appetite.
Recently we lost two members – Don Buck and Jerry Tibbs. Send a card and please keep their families in your prayers. A few prayers or a card for our members that are ill and/or recovering from illnesses would be much appreciated as well. Keep your eye on the Greensheet and check out all the events coming up. There’s plenty for everyone to enjoy.
Don’t forget we have plenty of raffle tickets available for the pedal tractor to purchase or sell.
If you have some friends bring them to a meeting and let’s get them on our membership list.
I hope to see all of you on the 18th.
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – April 2022

I hope everyone is getting ready for another busy spring. Even though we’ve seen some snow showers and temps in the 20’s the first day of planting isn’t far off. I’ve seen some equipment that’s parked outside the sheds ready to go. We need some patience and sunshine to get past the April showers. Don’t forget the kids this month. They’re expecting the Easter Bunny to bring some goodies again. Just a reminder for everyone to keep April 20th open this month for our membership meeting. There will be much to discuss and some refreshments. Bring your ideas and a few friends with you. As always, please keep our members and friends who have lost loved ones or are dealing with health issues in your prayers. I’ll see everyone April 20th at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall.

Until then be careful and safe.
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – March 2022

Here we are in March already and the first day of spring is Sunday, March 20th.
Looking back at December 21st, the first day of winter, it’s great to see a warmer days coming.
It also means there’s much work ahead and fun times, too.
Our big event “Ride the River” will be in August and there will be some new changes to look forward to.
Don’t forget all proceeds benefit our club.
Our next meeting is March 16th at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club hall.
At this time I will ask that you keep John Fahs in your Prayers as he is in the hospital.
Please keep everyone in your Prayers that have lost loved ones or are recovering from illness.
I will see all of you at the next meeting.
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – February 2022

It continues to be an interesting winter so far with one extreme after another. I am sure all the diehard snowmobilers are very happy. I’m ready for spring and I’m sure you are too. Just ignore the groundhogs and leave forecasts to the experts. As part of my monthly message, I remind everyone to keep those with health issues or have lost loved ones in your Prayers. Please take time to give Chuck Quick a call or text him as his wife Cathy is very ill. Any words of kindness are priceless in these hard times. Be sure to check your calendars as the 16th of February is our next membership meeting at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Hall.

Until then be save and think spring.
See you at the meeting.
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – January 2022

This Christmas sure did come and go in a hurry. I hope Santa brought everybody something nice. It was great to see all of you that attended the Christmas party and annual meeting. We had a great meal and lots of fun. We also enjoyed the mildest temperatures I recall for the event. Mark your calendars for December 14, 2022 for this year’s party. Hopefully 2022 brings everyone something to celebrate and good health. January 19, 2022 is our next scheduled membership meeting at the Bonfield Lions Hall at 7:00 pm. There will be a guest speaker and details can be found in the Greensheet. I hope to see all of you then. Please keep everyone in your prayers that have lost loved ones and those who are ill or recovering. Take care and be safe.

Happy New Year!
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – December 2021

Hello Members and Friends!

This Christmas sure did come and go in a hurry. I hope Santa brought everybody something nice. It was great to see all of you that attended the Christmas party and annual meeting. We had a great meal and lots of fun. We also enjoyed the mildest temperatures I recall for the event. Mark your calendars for December 14, 2022 for this year’s party. Hopefully 2022 brings everyone something to celebrate and good health. January 19, 2022 is our next scheduled membership meeting at the Bonfield Lions Hall at 7:00 pm. There will be a guest speaker and details can be found in the Greensheet. I hope to see all of you then. Please keep everyone in your prayers that have lost loved ones and those who are ill or recovering. Take care and be safe.

Happy New Year!
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – December 2021

Happy Holidays to all CIGC members, their families and all of our many friends! If you over-ate again on Thanksgiving, you are not alone. We can work it off just in time for the next holiday. If not, just make that annual New Year’s resolution about a 2022 diet. Here’s a quick reminder for everyone. Make sure you’ve highlighted December 15th on your calendars for the CIGC Christmas party and annual meeting at 6:00 pm at the Herscher Legion Hall. Don’t forget to bring a silent auction item. Everyone needs to RSVP and send payment no later than December 8, 2021. Check the Greensheet for more details. Here is something we all should make time for this Holiday Season. Spend more time with our families and always be thankful for everything we have.

Keep everyone who is ill or have lost loved ones in your prayers. Be safe and I hope to see all of you on the 15th.
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – November 2021

There’s that familiar phrase. “What a difference a day makes.” Well, I say, “What a difference a month makes.” Remember how hot and dry it was in September? Here we are in November and hot and dry possibly sounds good to most of us. Anyway, since we must work with what we’ve got, let’s make the best of it. Think positive and focus on what’s next. A little shopping trip might help. Like the Mecum Auction? We’ve got some big holidays right around the corner to prepare for and enjoy with family. But, there is something else we can do. A CIGC potluck on the Club! Don’t forget to RSVP for our club potluck which is a few weeks away on November 17th, 6:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Hall. Call Ann at 815-471-7886. A reminder to the club Directors and Officers we meet at Craig’s on November 9th at 6:00 pm. As always please keep everyone recovering from an illness or an accident in your prayers. Be safe and bring a friend or three to the meeting!

Dave Wehrmann