President’s Message – February 2024

I hope everyone had a safe January. I’m happy to see January behind us. We survived a winter month of temperature extremes with a taste of spring, fall and winter. We’ve got a way to go yet before spring but everyday gets a little longer and hopefully milder. Just remember from past experiences don’t bet on those groundhogs.

Just another reminder that our next membership meeting will be April 17, 2024. Our next Directors meeting will be March 27, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Craig’s.

Do you know of any new events for 2024? Now is not too early to bring them to our attention. There are a lot of upcoming events already listed in the Greensheet. Get your dates to Craig ASAP so they don’t get left out.

Does anyone want to take a ride? Now is the time to bring your ideas to my attention so the planning can begin. 2024 is looking good for some club tractor rides since there will not be a Rantoul show this year. This will free up that weekend for us.

Recently Jim Morgan and I delivered the second half of the approved donations of pop and individually wrapped snack cakes to the Manteno Veterans Home. This will always be appreciated by them. I sincerely hope we will continue to make these donations. Let’s never forget our Veterans and keep them in your prayers. Whether active or not they have all dedicated their lives to make ours safer and now they need us to make theirs a bit better.

As always, I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. Keep those in your prayers that have lost loved ones or are ill.

To all Directors, we have a lot to talk about at the March Directors meeting. Is there something you have on your mind that you want on the agenda? Please call me, text or email. I’ll look forward to seeing our members in April.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – January 2024

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the holidays with family and friends.

The winter has been mild so far but everyone needs to keep the boots and gloves handy.

This days are flying by fast. Please remember there will not be a regular meeting until April. Our Greensheet will be sent out every month as usual and if you don’t receive it let us know. Send any information you would like to have added to us by mail or email. It’s free to all members as always.

I hope everyone stays healthy and cold weather and snow is coming. Remember our Veterans active or not and pray for those who are ill or have lost loved ones.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – December 2023

By now most of us won’t want to see anymore turkey. It’s those side dishes that we never seem to lose a taste for. I hope everyone enjoyed a great Thanksgiving feast with the family. This is usually an opportunity to have the annual (if you can stay awake!) discussion about planning the family Christmas party. The search for the perfect tree will certainly also be an enjoyable trip the following weekend. Then it won’t be long the gifts will be piling up under the tree and the guessing will begin. As kids we just couldn’t resist to shake, rattle and squeeze those beautifully wrapped treasures. So, if you were not on the naughty list there should be something under there for you. Speaking of lists, I hope everyone signed up for this year’s Christmasparty? If not yet call or text Ann please. Also don’t forget the CIGC annual meeting is always the same night with the Christmas party on December 13th at 6:00 p.m. at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. Just a reminder that there will not be membership meetings in January, February and March.

During this Holiday season please don’t forget the families that have lost loved ones or those who may be ill. I hope to see all of you at the next meeting. Be safe everyone and Happy Holidays!

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – November 2023

Here we are in a fall that’s giving everyone a longer harvest season than expected.

We will get through it we always do. The holidays are closing in fast and we all need to get together with the families. Our CIGC November potluck dinner is coming up on the 15th at 6:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. Members can bring desserts and the rest is supplied by the club. We will be having our Annual Meeting and Christmas Dinner in December at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall.

We will be discussing details at the November meeting and in the Greensheet. Please keep everyone dealing with health issues and anyone that’s lost loved ones in your Prayers. I hope everyone can attend our potluck and annual meeting Christmas party. Until then be safe and stay healthy.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – November 2023

Hopefully everyone has been able to make safe progress with the harvest. Our fall weather has made it a real challenge. It is quite different from last year’s harvest season.

We’re use to challenges and we always overcome them.

It’s a given that the harvest must come first but I just want to remind everyone that our October 18th meeting is coming up quick. It starts at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club hall and hopefully everyone can attend.

Looking ahead to November. Don’t forget about our potluck dinner on the 15th. Check the Greensheet for more information.

Please keep our members and their families in your prayers who have lost loved ones or are dealing with illness.

Keep the faith and be safe everyone.
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – September 2023

There are so many events going on this year there’s barely time to get the home projects done. Since it’s impossible to be everywhere you must go to the close ones. They’ve all been great and for the most part weather has been perfect.

Now it’s time to get ready for harvest and if it rains take time check out as many videos or pics of events we’ve missed. We are lucky to have those who take time to catch all of the great shots that can be enjoyed forever. Everyone involved with the events deserve a huge thank you for the countless hours they spend to make them happen. Hopefully the weather continues to be great and the harvest goes smoothly for everyone. Please be safe at all times. Harvesting can create a long day and everyone needs to think about the next move they make. Those few seconds of caution could save you a life time of pain.

We need to remember our heroes and their families everyday in our thoughts and prayers. They’ve dedicated their lives to help make ours better. Keep our friends in mind that may be fighting an illness or grieving over the loss of loved ones.

Everyday is a good day and the next will hopefully be better.
I hope to see all of you at our next CIGC meeting on September 20th at 7:00 p.m. in Bonfield.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – August 2023

It’s August already and what a fast paced month July was. With so many events so close to home throughout the month it was easier to take them all in. As always, time flies when you’re having fun! Now it’s time to get ready for plow days. Isn’t it funny how busy one can get even though your retired. Don’t forget our August meeting on the 16th at 7:00 p.m. at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall.

I hope everyone brings a story to tell about the events they attended so there will be plenty to talk about. Some of us have had to battle the flu or something else that keeps us from enjoying the events. Keep them in your prayers as well as those that are dealing with illness that prevents them from getting out at all.

If someone has passed let us know. Please let us know so we can send a card.

I hope to see all of you on the 16th. Be safe and healthy everyone.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – July 2023

This summer is racing by and here we are in July. By now most of us have been to a tractor show in a parade or tractor ride. There’s never a break once they get started.

The barnyard tractor pulls are always a great way to spend a day and fun to watch. There’s always some great food and something to drink there as well.

The 2023 CIGC Manteno Veterans tractor ride was another success. There was a great showing of tractors this year that spent some time parked at the facility. Many Veterans were able to come out and enjoy it. Our members used this time to answer questions about the tractors and relax a bit before riding to our lunch stop. Every event takes a lot of help from everyone to make them a success.

A big thank you to the Hupe Family for a place to park trailers. Linda and Jim Morgan for a shop space to have coffee and donuts and Joe Doris for picking them up. Thank you everyone that trailered tractors or drove them to and from. Thank you Craig and everyone for the pictures taken for everyone that couldn’t be there to enjoy.

Our friends at the Will County Threshermans will be having their show July 20-23. There’s plenty things to do to make it happen and they would appreciate a hand getting ready. Our club trailer will be there so stop by and say Hi!

Our next CIGC meeting is July 19 at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall.

Keep checking our newsletter for coming events.
Please say a prayer for those who are ill or have lost loved ones. Be safe everyone I’ll see you on the 19th of July.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – June 2023

The May CIGC potluck meeting was a great success. The food was excellent and the huge selection of desserts supplied by the members were wonderful. If you missed it then be sure to mark November 15th for the next one. The 2023 tractor season is getting very busy and there’s plenty things to do.

There’s something for everyone to enjoy somewhere. Our annual visit to the Manteno Veterans Home will be more enjoyable for everyone since we can park the tractors in the same manner along the sidewalk this year. Keep in mind CIGC June meeting is the 21stat 7:00 p.m. at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. If you have an event to add to our newsletter, contact Craig Long. By now I hope everyone has secured their lodging for the long distance shows. Please keep our friends dealing with health issues in your Prayers.
Don’t forget those who have lost loved ones. I

’m looking forward to seeing all of you at the next meeting.
Bring some friends along with you.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – May 2023

It’s hard to believe it’s been a month since I wrote the last one. I hope everyone is getting the fields planted. Here we are in May and the weather has been a real challenge for most. Our tractor show and ride season is just around the corner and the calendar is filling up fast. Have you secured a room yet? If not, and you have to change your plans, please remember the upcoming CIGC ride(s) and the other local club events. Our local events can be enjoyed without stressing over a room reservation. Keep an eye on the Greensheet for local dates. Our May potluck meeting is on the 17th at 6:00 p.m., at Bonfield Lions Club Hall. You must RSVP with Ann. The meal and drinks will be provided by the Club at no cost to you and you may bring a dessert if you wish. Please keep those who are ill or have lost loved ones in your Prayers. Keep safety first at all times if you are operating the machinery or just observing it in the field or in the road. Hope to see you all on the 17th.

Dave Wehrmann