President’s Message – July 2023

This summer is racing by and here we are in July. By now most of us have been to a tractor show in a parade or tractor ride. There’s never a break once they get started.

The barnyard tractor pulls are always a great way to spend a day and fun to watch. There’s always some great food and something to drink there as well.

The 2023 CIGC Manteno Veterans tractor ride was another success. There was a great showing of tractors this year that spent some time parked at the facility. Many Veterans were able to come out and enjoy it. Our members used this time to answer questions about the tractors and relax a bit before riding to our lunch stop. Every event takes a lot of help from everyone to make them a success.

A big thank you to the Hupe Family for a place to park trailers. Linda and Jim Morgan for a shop space to have coffee and donuts and Joe Doris for picking them up. Thank you everyone that trailered tractors or drove them to and from. Thank you Craig and everyone for the pictures taken for everyone that couldn’t be there to enjoy.

Our friends at the Will County Threshermans will be having their show July 20-23. There’s plenty things to do to make it happen and they would appreciate a hand getting ready. Our club trailer will be there so stop by and say Hi!

Our next CIGC meeting is July 19 at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall.

Keep checking our newsletter for coming events.
Please say a prayer for those who are ill or have lost loved ones. Be safe everyone I’ll see you on the 19th of July.

Dave Wehrmann

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