I am still working on the 501C3 for the Club. It is a little slower than I would like, but we will get there. I am always looking to Club members to feature so if you would like to be that person, call me. We are always looking for a guest speaker for our meetings. If you have an idea, please let us know. I also have Pedal Tractor tickets for sale. We sold a number of tickets at Seneca’s FFA Toy Show. Dave Wehrmann and the Directors are forming the Committee to decide the parameters for Ride the River grantees. If you are interested in being part of the Committee, please contact Dave. Tractor season is upon us. Come on out and enjoy a safe tractor season. Don’t forget if you have an activity or something to sell you can call me or email to craigplong@gmail.com.
I am still working on the 501C3 for the Club. It is a little slower than I would like because of the Federal Government shutdown but we will get there. I am always looking to Club members to feature so if you would like to be that person, call me. The feature member will return next month as we had so much to tell you this month. We are always looking for a guest speaker for our meetings. If you have an idea, please let us know. I also have Pedal Tractor tickets for sale. Don’t forget if you have an activity or something to sell you can call me or email to craigplong@gmail.com.
Shed Tour! We will have our Tour of the Long Ranch on March 30, 2019 come rain, snow, ice, tornado, typhoon, mudslide, flood, you name it. We will have coffee, water and pastries and fellowship from 9:00 am until 12 noon. Come, get out of the house, pretend Spring has Sprung!
I am still working on the 501C3 for the Club. It is a little slower than I would like because of the Federal Government shutdown but we will get there. I am always looking to Club members to feature so if you would like to be that person, call me. We are always looking for a guest speaker for our meeting. If you have an idea, please let us know. I am postponing the trip to the Long ranch until better weather. I will reschedule another date soon. Al Heatherwick is putting together a trip to Waterloo to the Deere facilities there. The amount of people will be limited so contact him if you are interested. It will be a 2-day tour. I have listed a number of activities coming thru March. Don’t stare at winter, come out and enjoy some activities. Don’t forget if you have an activity or something to sell you can call me or email to craigplong@gmail.com.
Your 2019 dues ($20) are due! I am still working on the 501C3 for the Club. It is a little slower than I would like but we will get there. I am always looking to Club members to feature so if you would like to be that person, call me. We will have our first excursion of the year to my place on January 19, 2019, 9 till noon. Come join the conversation. We are looking for a destination for February, it could be you. We are always looking for a guest speaker for our meeting. If you have an idea, please let us know. Al Heatherwick is trying to put together a trip to Waterloo to the Deere facilities there. The amount of people will be limited so contact him if you are interested. It will be a 2-day tour. I have listed a number of activities coming in January thru March. Don’t stare at winter, come out and enjoy some activities. Don’t forget if you have an activity or something to sell you can call me or email to craigplong@gmail.com
Once again the Central Illinois Green Club held its annual Christmas Party. It is truly one of the best meetings of the year. The food was catered by Lestina’s Catering and as always it exceeded our expectations.
The 2019 peddle tractor drawing prize was announced.
The Winner of the 2018 Peddle Tractor Raffle was drawn.
The silent auction was a success as usual. Bidding was very intense for the pies and toys. As always, everyone left with a gift in hand, thanks to the donors. Many donors came forward to donate door gifts so that nobody would leave the Christmas Party empty handed. For their generosity, we would like to thank the following businesses:
Chebanse Grain – Calendars
FS Grain Calendars – Calendars & Hats
Country Chevrolet – Calendars & Hats
Scanlon – Shirts, Calendars & Hats
Dimond Insuranc – Calendars
Soil Biotics – Pens, Tablets & Letter openers
Herscher Bank – Hats, Tote Bags, Calendars & Frisbies
Dave Elliot Insurance – Calendars
Weber Printing – Tablets & Calendars
John Deere – 50 Calendars & 60 Hats
Union Hill Sls. & Serv. – Calendars
Quicks Mowing – 100 Key Chains
Stoller International – Calendars
Steiner – Hats & Shirts
Hubley’s Towing – Mouse Pads
Kankakee County FB – Calendars & Farmers Almanacs
The CIGC Directors elections took place during our November meeting. Rich Von Qualen and Anthony Settle are leaving the Board and Rodney Schwark and Travis Hodgin will be joining the Board in 2019. An appointment of CIGC Officers took place resulting in the following:
President: Dave Wehrmann
1st Vice President: Craig Long
2nd Vice President Jim LaMore
Secretary: Ann Roach
Treasurer: Jim Moody
Asst Treasurer: Carol Churilla
Travis Hodgin
Harley Buente
John Evans Sr.
Bill Hengl
Chuck Quick
Jerry Snedecore
Mark Chapman
John Fulton
Mark Schwark
CICG members will meet at Rodney Schwark’s farm on Saturday December 8th for coffee and refreshments. We will see what Rodney’s been up to and what Christmas on the farm might look like. Afterward CIGC members may travel a few miles to the Warner Diefenbach’s farm to his Estate Sale. There are some interesting tractors and farm items for sale at 10 am. On December 15th CIGC members who are interested in the Barnyard Tractor Puller Series will meet at 8 am at the Zion Lutheran Church gymnasium at Chebanse. –– Craig
We have several offerings of things to do for the end of the year. On Saturday November 17th, Jim LaMore will lead CIGC on a tour of F. Weber Printing Company, 450 N. Locust St., Manteno at 9:30 am. Frank has some interesting stories to tell about his father, Manteno, the Hart Parr and how he came to be in the printing business. The tractor will be the feature next year along with other Olivers at Will County Thresherman’s. Frank is a very good story teller. Those who are interested will go to Tony’s Pizza in Peotone for lunch. On December 8th we will meet at Rodney Schwark’s farm 12371 W 6000 S Rd., Herscher, for coffee and donuts at 9:00 am for a tour of his collection. Don’t miss this even if you were here last year, I am sure it has changed since then. On December 12th we will again celebrate Christmas at the Herscher Legion Community Center, 102 S. Oak, Herscher at 6:30 pm. We will have a silent auction and prizes to be given away. We will also introduce the 2019 Directors and Officers of our Club. Its not to early to think about what you may bring for the auction. Ann Roach is in charge of the evening. Please don’t hesitate to ask her what you can do to help. At this time Chuck Quick is out of the hospital and doing well. John Fulton is still in the hospital and Loretta says he is improving daily. Your good thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Lastly Katelynn Ohrt (KCC Ag) sent the following message with regard to our scholarship winner. “Thank you again for attending the breakfast this morning. KCC appreciates the Green Club’s support. The Green Club’s scholarship recipient is Piaget Felix. Piaget is a student in the agriculture transfer program.” Till next time. –– Craig
I hope this letter finds you all safe and nearly complete in you Fall Harvest. This year has really presented a lot of challenges for all of us locally. There are many activities to partake in this Fall. Plow days for our Club as well as some others. The Saturday coffee and donut get togethers are coming too. If you haven’t already seen them, Ron Lukow has posted some pictures of our Ride the River. They are quite good. You can find them by going to: Ron Lukow’s Ride the River Photo Page.
Remember, if you collected money for RTR, we have Thank you letters to be delivered. –– Craig
With only a few days left before Ride the River, there is still time to jump in here. We need sponsorships, riders and workers. I hope everyone has examined what they can do for the Club and feels the need to contribute. Recently we have added a ninth FFA Chapter in St. Anne, IL. We are now dividing by 9 all of the proceeds to the Chapters. It makes it that much more important to gather as many sponsors, riders and donations as possible.
On another note, I’m hoping everyone is having a great summer and has participated in some of the activities around us. Thanks to everyone who manned the Club trailer at Will County Thresherman’s and I am looking for whom ever may be taking it to Pontiac. The gathering of the Orange at Pontiac is a great opportunity for us to sell raffles and product there. Don’t forget that the 98th Herscher Parade is on September 3rd and you must send in an application. Some unfinished business of the Club will occur on Sept 2nd from 10 till 3 at the Herscher State Bank. The Wheels part of the Squeals and Wheels was rained out and our Club has agreed to help judge for them. No tractors this time as room may be an issue. Not long after the Labor Day has passed on September 8th we will be plowing at Rodney Schwark’s. Pray for rain and bring a plow and an appetite. I’m sure Rodney would appreciate some participation there. On September 9th is Ann’s tractor Ride in Beaverville and Pull in the Park in Chebanse starting at noon. I’m sure I have forgotten something but you all can remind me at the meeting August 15 in Bonfield. –– Craig
By the time you read your July Greensheet, July and the Summer will be one half over. Green Club members have been very busy. A large enough contingent went to the Covered Bridge Ride in Rockville, IN that CIGC was again the dominant Club and won the Club award. I have to say that as many times as I have been there, this was one of the best. The weather was cooperative, the tractors moved along well and we saw some new territory. If you haven’t been in a while you should consider it for next year. A few Shows have already occurred including Thee Olde Time Farm Show. Let me tell you it was the hottest show of the season in many ways. It was a Deere year and featured John Evans, Jim Hubly and Denny Jepson as the remaining founding members. John and Nancy brought 14 tractors and several garden tractors. The lot included John’s numbered series 40 through 80 with a couple of 70 diesels thrown in. Several other Club members’ remarkable tractors were also in attendance. The saw mill was up and running as was the sheller. CIGC provided a shortened version of Tractor Games as it was so blinking hot. Thanks to Club members Jerry Long, Les Piper and Dave Wehrmann for helping me in the heat and thanks to our participants. On Sunday the tractor pull was the big news. And a big thanks go out to those who braved the heat to work in our tent. The Bonfield 4th of July was also hotter than a firecracker, literally. While waiting for the parade we all got a little shower compliments of Mother Nature. The parade goers were not scared off by a little heat and humidity. Check out our Green Club Facebook page to see some of the smiling faces. The tractor pulls were very good and lasted till after 6 pm. A good time was had by all. I&I and Will County are up next. I still have no volunteers to man the trailer at either event. So, we should be working on donations to the Ride the River event. We have room for many, many more. Jim Moody and Carol are keeping the records of donations and riders and meals. I will be sending out personal thank you cards to all who donate so please make sure we have an address and a contact for the donation. We decided at the June meeting that members could bring a water donation to the July meeting to help offset some of the cost. The Directors will meet for the last time August 8th at 6 pm at my residence to put the final touches on Ride the River. PS Thanks to Chad Miller at the Kankakee Farm Bureau Office for the front-page coverage of the RTR event in the Farm Bureau News Paper.