President’s Message – October 2021

I hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather. Cooler days are a nice break after some really hot summer temperatures. Summer shows are over but there’s plenty to be done with fall harvest. The crops are looking good and ready to be taken out of the field. Sponsor a plow day when you are finished. If you got some bean ground to plow, I’m sure there are a few guys that will show up! Please, be safe out there and be careful, as we must remember those machines won’t stop unless we turn them off to make adjustments. I want to thank everyone that attended the plow day at the Rodney Schwark farm on September 18th. With many other events on that day, we had a good turnout. The diehards that comet out plow put on a great demonstration giving those iron horses a good workout dragging their moldboard plows through the wheat stubble. Everyone owes Rodney a big thank you for giving us a place to ploy and furnishing another wonderful meal at lunchtime. Don’t forget to keep all of our members and friends in your prayers as they recover from accidents or illnesses. October 20th is our next membership meeting at 7:00 PM in the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. The November potluck is coming fast. You must reserve a spot. Reservations will be taken at the meeting for the November 17th potluck. I look forward to seeing all of you again.

Bring a friend or three!
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – September 2021

Another month has raced by and fall is just a few weeks away. It’s been a great summer and I enjoyed every event I attended and I hope you did to. CIGC plow day at Rodney Schwark farm is September 18th, 8:00 am with donuts and coffee. Everyone must sign in, Non-members will pay $30.00 to cover insurance and a club membership. All existing members will no pay to plow. Plowing wills tart after a driver meeting and a short 9/11 Memorial remembrance. Don’t forget the Herscher Historical Group will be there auctioning backed goods to raise money for their organization. Our next membership meeting is September 15, 2021 at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions club hall. Bring a friend along and remind everyone considering joining that they don’t have to own a tractor to be a member. As always, keep our members in your Prayers that are recovering from health issues. I want you to know we are all thinking about you. I hope to see everyone at plow day and our next meeting.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – August 2021

I hope you’ve been enjoying a tractor show, ride, county fair or plow day. There’s been plenty to choose from this summer which is flying by again. Just think Labor Day is less than a month away. August has many activities to enjoy such as the Kankakee and Will County fairs and Rantoul. The Central States Thresherman’s in Pontiac will close out the month through Labor day. Please don’t forget to register to participate in the Herscher Labor Day parade. As we are out and about enjoying all these fun things let’s not forget all of our members and Friends that are unable to get out and enjoy them with us. Keep them in your Prayers and send a card or give them a call. Our next Green club meeting is August 18 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. See you there.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – July 2021

Everyone by now has probably attended a tractor ride, pull, county fair or tractor show. There’s plenty to choose from and always plenty of great food. Be sure to take time to attend the Will County Thresherman Show this coming weekend starting on Thursday the 15th. the club ride and drive-by to the Manteno Veterans Home is still on for July 24, 2021. Details will be discussed at the July 21 meeting. Please keep all of our Members and Friends experiencing heal issues in your prayers. We’ve been able to get together and have our meetings and I hope things continue that way. We always welcome new members and I hope we can bring in some more.

See you at the next meeting,
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – June 2021

As we start the month of June, I hope everyone enjoyed the great weather on Memorial Day weekend. I hope everyone took time to remember all of the Men and Women who made the ultimate sacrifice serving in the military of the United States of America.

The official star of summer is not far away. Tractor rides, pulls and shows will keep most of us very busy soon. It’s great that we will be able to enjoy summer again.

Take a good look a the Greensheet so you don’t miss out on something. Don’t forget the next CIGC membership meeting will be on June 16, 2021 at the normal time and place.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – May 2021

I hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather. It was great to see everyone who attended the April meeting. The May meeting will feature our first “Potless Potluck” at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall at 6:00 pm. We will be enjoying dinner and dessert brought to us by JRs Chicken at $10.00 per person. Everyone wanting to attend must make a reservation. Refer to the Greensheet for the signup sheet. I hope everyone can attend the May 19th dinner/meeting. As always, keep all of our Members dealing with health issues in your Prayers.

Dave Wehrman

President’s Message – April 2021

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and are enjoying this great spring weather. By now we’re all ready to get back to the Bonfield Lions Club Hall for a CIGC membership meeting, so if you haven’t already done so mark April 21 on your calendar at 7:00 pm for our April meeting. One topic to be discussed will be a “Potless Potluck” at the May 19th meeting. You will have to attend the April meeting to find out what that is. We will continue to observe some of the safety guidelines at the meeting. Now its that time of year when many of us will spend long hours in the fields. I look forward to seeing all of you if possible. Please be sure to keep everyone in your prayers that have lost loved ones and those who are recovering from illnesses.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – March 2021

It’s finally March and spring is in the air. It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to see the brown grass and cornstalks. From here on I hope we can focus on spring work and hopefully normal weather conditions and the first day of planting. I’m looking forward to our March Green Club Board meeting. It is scheduled for Wednesday March 17th @ 6:00 pm @ Craig Longs. It’s important that all board members attend. There will be a lot to talk about. 2021 club events will be an importanttopic. If anyone has something in mind it’s time to contact me or Craig. We’re in need of everyone’s help to make 2021 and every event a success. I hope everyone is staying well. Let’s keep all of our members that are ill or recovering in our Prayers. Let’s all be safe and look to April for our goal to have a membership meeting. I look forward to seeing you all.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – February 2021

I hope everyone is healthy and happy. We are having quite a winter blast lately and it’s been more like those winters we used to experience years ago. I’m writing this from the seat of my plow truck as I’m taking a break. I operated a Bobcat skid steer all day and now I’ll be in the truck till tomorrow. I hope we can have a membership meeting soon. I miss you all. There will be a Board meeting March 17 @ 6:00 pm @ Craig’s. If ayone has a concern please let me know. Don’t forget about the Greensheet. Get your ads, jokes and event info to Craig so it gets out to our Members. Please be safe everyone. And don’t believe the groundhog.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – January 2021

Hello Members and Friends!

“Happy New Year”

I hope everyone is healthy and finding some happiness this year. It’s good to finally have 2020 behind us. We will continue to be cautious and follow all the States Covid safety guidelines. The Greensheet will continue to keep everyone informed of any new Club developments. We could use some good stories from our members as well. There will not be a January membership meeting but the Board of Directors will be meeting in February. As of now there hasn’t been a date set. Hopefully we can have a February membership meeting. Please call or email me with any concerns. We all need to be patient and things will eventually get back to normal. Stay safe everyone and read The Greensheet.

Sincerely, Dave Wehrmann