President’s Message – March 2025

It’s looking more like Spring everyday even though we see a few snow showers now and then.

I’ve seen numerous robins and cardinals out already. They are out chirping away even before daylight. I believe we have gotten past the groundhog’s curse as the beginning of March is not looking too bad at all. I am sure we will see some tractors tillage equipment and planters parked on the farm yards real soon.

There will be no membership meeting in March, but mark your calendars for April 16th at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall for our first club meeting of 2025. Mary Wood will be teasing our taste buds with some of her delicious dessert recipes. Just a reminder to all Directors do not forget the meeting at Craig’s t 6:00 pm on March 18th. Lots of business to catch up on as well as planning for the rapidly approaching 2025 tractor season. There are many dates on the calendar already filled for some type of tractor activity. None of this would be possible without the efforts of many people working together. Do not forget to thank our Veterans who made many sacrifices to secure our freedom so we may continue to enjoy all of these opportunities. Please take a moment to remember all the families that have lost loved ones and those that may be fighting an illness, too many times we forget about them. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Director meeting and the April meeting. In the meantime, please take care.

God Bless you all.
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – February 2025

I hope everyone is staying healthy. Our friend the groundhog has made his prediction and so far, it looks like it is accurate. Spring temperatures have vanished and winter precipitation is becoming a problem for many. Thankfully we have had bare dirt out in the fields to help that frost penetrate and break up the compaction. Here we are in February and the time continues to fly. With it being a short month March is not far away and the days are getting longer. Ahhh, yes, more daylight which hopefully means more warm hours in each day forward. Let us sit back and thank the Lord for all the milder weather we have had so far this winter. We should not be complaining at all. If you are looking for things to do check out the Greensheet for upcoming events. Directors, please remember there will be a

Director’s Meeting (Tuesday March 18th) and a definite date will be announced soon. I would like to take this time to ask everyone to say a prayer for those who have lost loved ones or may be having health issues. Thank you. We all have many things to be thankful for. Family and friends, good health and the best country, The United States of America! Remember all our veterans that had a part in making it what it is today. We also must not forget the thousands of our men and women risking everything, every day to maintain what we have and see to it that it will continue to get better.

God Bless our Troops! God Bless America! Respectfully,
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – January 2025

Before I go any further, I want to thank everyone for attending the CIGC Annual Meeting and Christmas Party. I want to give my sincere thanks to everyone responsible for all their extra efforts for planning and the hard work to keep count of the RSVP list, arrangements for the meal, the meal service, decorating the hall, donations for the silent auction and for all of the wonderful desserts that made the night a success. A sincere thanks to all the Directors for all you do and for remaining on the Board with me. I am looking forward to another great year as President and with your help it will be. Thanks to all the Members that continue to support our Club. Let us continue to carry on in 2025 and enjoy more events and some new ones along the way. Keep in mind that once again there will be two rides to the Manteno Veterans Home in 2025. The first one late spring and the second one early fall. Dates to be decided. This event has begun to grow in size and popularity every year. We need to thank Jim Morgan for his efforts. He has gone above and beyond to allow us to start the rides from his facilities and make arrangements with Becky Wilder to set up the available dates. He was instrumental in changing the rides to Fridays instead of Saturdays which has worked out great. Please remember that you are welcome to attend even if you do not have a tractor. I am very proud to tell everyone about this event and how we donate pop and various packaged treats to them several times a year. It is very rewarding to see the smiles on their faces as they reminisce about days gone by that they may have farmed and or owned a tractor like one of us drove out there. We must keep this event going! Keep an eye out for more events to come that will be listed in the Greensheet. Please remember there will be no membership meetings in January, February, or March but there will be a monthly Greensheet. Directors will meet in March and the date will be announced soon.

I hope everyone has a wonderful year in 2025. Please don’t forget to remember those that may be ill and the families that have lost loved ones. Pray for the safety of our Veterans, active, retired or departed, as they give or gave their all so we may be safe and enjoy our beautiful country. God Bless all of you!

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – December 2024

How are you all doing now that Thanksgiving is behind us? How many of you passed the gravy and spill it? Did you stuff yourself tighter than the turkey? Are the leftovers all gone yet? Did your talking scale laugh at you after your last bite of dessert? All of these questions are just some of which may have been part of the Thanksgiving Day discussion or sometime later. More good times with memories forever. That’s what it’s all about. Life needs to be fun. Yes, there are times to be serious as well. I truly believe that laughter is an essential vitamin for everyone’s diet. We all have to loosen up out there and enjoy those precious moments we have together no matter if it’s with the family an old friend a new friend or the Pope. I’ll never forget the time at a holiday gathering I heard someone make the comment about how tired of ham and turkey they were and how they really enjoy a good goose instead. Or the master chef that thought his stuffing recipe of Orville’s butterball buttery popping corn and raisins would be a hit, and it was. Blew the a$$ right out the turkey. Needless to say, that was talked about forever.

So seriously now take a breath and think about another chance to OVEREAT. The CIGC Annual meeting and Christmas Party is December 11 at 6:00 pm Bonfield Lions Club Hall. We will all stand and recite the

Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for a Prayer. We will then eat and our annual meeting will follow. The club will supply the meal and drinks. Members are asked to bring a dessert. There will be a silent auction and each member may bring an unwrapped item for that. Bidding on auction items will continue throughout the evening. Please RSVP on or before December 3 to Ann Roach. Guests are welcome but must be reported to Ann on or before the deadline. Pedal tractor tickets will be available from now until the drawing that evening. Bring a lot of cash a big appetite and your bib to catch the dribbles. Please thank God for keeping us healthy so we may all work together and make this club event happen. Don’t ever forget our Veterans, whether active or not and their families that have an empty chair at the table because their loved one made the ultimate sacrifice. So many of us have lost someone close or they may be ill and can’t join us. Please keep them in your Prayers.

God Bless you all!
Your President, Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – November 2024

How’s everyone doing? It’s been a wonderfully mild fall so far and the farm fields are mostly harvested and tilled. This has been a wonderful break from the terribly wet harvests we’ve had before.

We are planning holiday celebrations again. The season offers a much needed break and I’m looking forward to it, and surely you are too. There are many opportunities for enjoying those wonderful home cooked meals and desserts and that never gets old. Speaking of food, let’s not forget the CIGC potluck on November 20th at 6:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. Please bring a bib and dessert and CIGC will supply the rest. Don’t forget to bring a big appetite. A short meeting will follow the meal.
Save the date on your calendar of December 11th at 6:00 pm for our Annual Meeting and Christmas Party. Again, please bring your bibs and a dessert and CIGC will furnish the rest. As usual, come with a healthy appetite and some extra cash. There will be another chance to purchase pedal tractor tickets then also. Everyone is asked to bring one item for a silent auction, please! Ann Roach will be taking reservations.

Please keep our Veterans in your prayers and remember that those on active duty may not be with their families or have a soft recliner to nap in after a home cooked holiday meal. Too many sacrifices were made by them and they often get overlooked. It’s our duty to always remember them and thank God that they are keeping us safe. Remember all of our loved ones we have lost and never forget the good times and memories they’ve left with us. They will always be by our side in spirit, that feeling we get sometimes that someone is watching us. That’s more than just a feeling. I’ve also learned firsthand if given the opportunity to welcome a new person into your life to do so. God’s plans are unpredictable and don’t disappoint him.
I wish all of you the best always and throughout this holiday season. Please be safe everyone and I hope to see everyone very soon!

God Bless You All!
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – October 2024

Well here we are in October again and I hope everyone is enjoying this nice Fall weather. This has been great for harvest and the many fall activities. There are many acres to be harvested and tilled before this season ends. It’s only natural that we want to get more acres in a day and we get in a hurry and accidents happen. Please be careful and don’t let your guard down when it comes to safety. Take those extra few seconds or minutes to eliminate any risk of injury. Please keep in mind that our next membership meeting is Octobert 16th at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield

Lions Hall. I hope everyone that’s not harvesting can make it. Don’t forget our members that have lost loved and those that are ill. Please keep our veterans and all of our fellow Americans that have lost everything in recent storms and now somehow have to start over with nothing.

God Bless You All!
Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – September 2024

I’m looking forward to nice long holiday weekend and I’m sure you are too. We’ve had plenty of the usual summer events to enjoy and even though it gets hectic trying to fit them all in somehow, we do it. There are plenty more to come so just watch the Greensheet.

If you’re ever in need of help finding a recipe for desserts, etc. check out Mary’s Good News. There’s something for everybody. Umm, Umm Good!! Speaking of events, Saturday September 7th will be Rodney Schwark Plow Day with coffee ans donuts at 8:30 am. Depending on the dew, plowing may start at 9:00 am. Bring a tractor a plow, or bring a gator. A loader tractor will be on site. You must join the club to plow at a $30.00 membership fee. You will receive the Greensheet and we prefer you give us an email address, phone number and home address. There is a four bottom plow max.

On Friday September 13th the Club will be taking the iron horses to the Manteno Veterans Home. Be at Jim Morgan’s shop by 9:00 am for coffee and donuts. We will leave from there by 9:30 am and after our visit there we will mount up and head to Mayberry Junction restaurant in Manteno. Where we park there will be discussed at Morgan’s shop before we head out.

Don’t forget our membership meeting on September 18th at 7:00 pm. I hope to see you at all of these events. Please pray for those who are ill and the families that have lost a loved one. Always remember our Veterans. Be safe everyone and God Bless you all.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – August 2024

Here we are in August and before we know it Labor Day weekend will be here.

Did everyone enjoy some of the county fairs, tractor shows and pulls? There have been more than enough to choose from and a few more to come. CIGC has more events to come as well. Our August membership meeting is Wednesday the 21st, 7:00 pm, Bonfield. On Labor Day weekend there is the Herscher parade and the club will participate in it. The real fun will be on September 7th at Rodney Schwark’s farm CIGC plow day. September 13th has our tractor ride to the Manteno Veterans Home. Details for these events will be finalized at the next meeting. Signup sheets
will also be available to RSVP for each event.

Are there any other members having a plow day or tractor ride this year? If so, we need to get it scheduled. Please remember, we couldn’t be doing any of these things if it weren’t for the dedicated men and women that defend our freedom. Some made the ultimate sacrifice or may have retired or continue to serve. They’ve earned and deserve everyone’s respect. Remember to pray for them and their families and anyone who has lost a loved one or is battling an illness.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – July 2024

How is everyone doing? I’m sure everyone is a lot happier now than last month when there were many unplanted fields. Crops are really growing fast and looking good. Hopefully the weather gives us a few more breaks so the side dressing and spraying gets finished. There’s plenty to do after the farming is finished. The county fairs, festivals and tractor shows are going strong. Tractor pulls and tractor rides are just too much choose from here on through the Fall.

There are some important shows coming up this month. The I & I Historic Farm Days, Will County Threshermen’s Show, Kempton Days and the Kankakee County Fair. There’s a great tractor ride on July 27th at the Kickapoo State Park that you shouldn’t miss. Proceeds will be donated to the Vermillion Cancer Society. Further details and contact information can be found in the Green Sheet. I urge everyone to attend these events if possible.

The Will County Thresherman’s group can always use some help with the show, so, give them a call and see where you can be of assistance.

If you need an addition to your recipe files then please check out Mary’s Good News section of the Greensheet for a monthly treat.

Always remember to “Thank A Vet”. They continue to keep our country safe while we are enjoying life at a party or in our comfy home.

Please keep those who may be ill or mourning the loss of a loved one in your prayers. Too many times we get in a hurry or really busy and we forget to give a hug or say good bye. Remember this, next opportunity may never come. I’d like to say thank you to everyone for the hugs, kind words and thoughtfulness you expressed after the loss of my wife, Janet.

Dave Wehrmann

President’s Message – June 2024

I hope by now that everyone has been able to catch a break in the weather and get the crops planted. It’s always a beautiful site to watch as the rows and rows of the corn or soybeans grow and mature for harvest. So, with the calendar flipping to June everyone should be getting prepared for the next tractor ride, plow day or show. They just keep on coming from here on, so keep the fuel tanks full and ready to go. Our first ride is June 7th to the Manteno Veterans Home. I hope everyone can make it. Details are available by calling Jim Morgan at 708-516-1884 and to Rsvp. Bring a friend and enjoy some coffee and donuts with us before it starts. Our next meeting is June 19th at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. Keep your eyes on the Greensheet for upcoming events. Join our new club Facebook page as well to get the latest news.

Please remember to be careful out there and very cautious when traveling down our roads. That’s no matter what you are driving. I’m sure you’ve all seen a few close ones on the roads. It’s very obvious that drivers aren’t paying attention and have no respect for the other guy. Don’t assume they will stop or yield or give you the right of way you are entitled to by law. It’s a race track out there everyday. Get up earlier, drive a bit slower, and enjoy it when you get there. As always remember those who may be ill and those who may have lost a loved one. Feel free to call me with any news or suggestions. If you don’t leave a voicemail and your name I will not respond. Enjoy life one day at a time everyone. It’s too short and there is no time machine to go back on and do it over.

Sincerely, Dave Wehrmann