It’s looking more like Spring everyday even though we see a few snow showers now and then.
I’ve seen numerous robins and cardinals out already. They are out chirping away even before daylight. I believe we have gotten past the groundhog’s curse as the beginning of March is not looking too bad at all. I am sure we will see some tractors tillage equipment and planters parked on the farm yards real soon.
There will be no membership meeting in March, but mark your calendars for April 16th at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall for our first club meeting of 2025. Mary Wood will be teasing our taste buds with some of her delicious dessert recipes. Just a reminder to all Directors do not forget the meeting at Craig’s t 6:00 pm on March 18th. Lots of business to catch up on as well as planning for the rapidly approaching 2025 tractor season. There are many dates on the calendar already filled for some type of tractor activity. None of this would be possible without the efforts of many people working together. Do not forget to thank our Veterans who made many sacrifices to secure our freedom so we may continue to enjoy all of these opportunities. Please take a moment to remember all the families that have lost loved ones and those that may be fighting an illness, too many times we forget about them. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Director meeting and the April meeting. In the meantime, please take care.
God Bless you all.
Dave Wehrmann