President’s Message – May 2023

It’s hard to believe it’s been a month since I wrote the last one. I hope everyone is getting the fields planted. Here we are in May and the weather has been a real challenge for most. Our tractor show and ride season is just around the corner and the calendar is filling up fast. Have you secured a room yet? If not, and you have to change your plans, please remember the upcoming CIGC ride(s) and the other local club events. Our local events can be enjoyed without stressing over a room reservation. Keep an eye on the Greensheet for local dates. Our May potluck meeting is on the 17th at 6:00 p.m., at Bonfield Lions Club Hall. You must RSVP with Ann. The meal and drinks will be provided by the Club at no cost to you and you may bring a dessert if you wish. Please keep those who are ill or have lost loved ones in your Prayers. Keep safety first at all times if you are operating the machinery or just observing it in the field or in the road. Hope to see you all on the 17th.

Dave Wehrmann

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