May Pot Luck and 2013 Swap Meet

There has been a tasty update to the May 2013 monthly meeting.  The May meeting will be a pot luck!  The meeting will start at 6:30 so don’t be late and be sure to bring a dish to pass.  The club will provide chicken as well as beverages and place settings.  See the event details for more information.


The 2013 swap meet is right around the corner so be sure to put it on your calendar and reserve your spot early if you need a spot on the farm to sell your treasures.  It will be held at the Evans farm from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.  Coffee and refreshments will be provided.  For more information see the event details.  The registration for can be found here to reserve space.

President’s Message

Happy New Year from the Sunshine State! I hope your holidays were great. Now it’s on to the New Year which means for many of us, get organized, plan ahead, be a better listener, etc.  We have another great lineup of shows and activities this year. So I hope you will all resolve to join us and have some fun. Our monthly meetings have become an informational gathering. Oh yeah, and the snacks have been great. It has been an honor and privilege to be the president of the Central Illinois Green Club for the past ten years. We have made some wonderful friends and had a lot fun attending many events over the years. Our dedication and purpose is to maintain a club for the purpose of sharing, educating, and promoting the knowledge of antique tractors, farm machinery and collectables. Working with other clubs and organizations to continue this purpose has been a valued experience. We have been given the opportunity to participate in upcoming events that will help us maintain our dedication and purpose.  Your continued enthusiasm and camaraderie have been the soul of this club the last ten years. I personally want to thank the officers, the board of directors and all the members for the time and support you have given The Central Illinois Green Club Inc. Your cooperation, meeting attendance and volunteering for committees is this clubs foundation and our future. So mark your calendars for the 2013 exciting coming events. See you soon!

Your President


As published in January 5, 2013 issue (Issue 121) of The Greensheet.