Welcome to 2017! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Our 2016 was certainly a challenging year for many of us. Let us remember those we have lost here at CIGC and continue to stay in touch with their families.Welcome to 2017! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Our 2016 was certainly a challenging year for many of us. Let us remember those we have lost here at CIGC and continue to stay in touch with their families.
On a lighter note, I am still trying to get comfortable with my new responsibilities as President of the CIGC. I am finding out that there is a lot more to it than I thought. I want to take a moment to thank Stan Dietz, Janeen and especially Nancy Evans. What a great job they have done. I appreciate all of their help during our transition. Remember, Nancy has been a great organizer from Day One! I think we have not given her enough credit for crossing all of the “t’s” and doting all the “I’s.” Thanks for all you have done Nancy!
As for what’s ahead. I can only say that we, the Directors and I, are going to pick up where they left off and run with the ball. Our intension is to provide the means for which all members of CIGC can thrive. I believe that we all have seen the impact CIGC has had on our local FFA Chapters, so yes there will be another “Ride the River.” I believe the activities we do, plowing, tractor rides, and the meals we share all have a positive impact on us, the members of CIGC and the people around us. So yes, there will be more of that. In the future I will be handing out jobs to do on several Committees. If you, the members, are inclined to add your help and expertise, please join the Committee. We are only limited by our imagination and our willingness to volunteer. Here is to a Happy and Healthy 2017!
PS. If you have not seen some one at the meetings lately, invite them along! See what we come up with in the future.
Craig Long