President’s Message – October 2024

Well here we are in October again and I hope everyone is enjoying this nice Fall weather. This has been great for harvest and the many fall activities. There are many acres to be harvested and tilled before this season ends. It’s only natural that we want to get more acres in a day and we get in a hurry and accidents happen. Please be careful and don’t let your guard down when it comes to safety. Take those extra few seconds or minutes to eliminate any risk of injury. Please keep in mind that our next membership meeting is Octobert 16th at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield

Lions Hall. I hope everyone that’s not harvesting can make it. Don’t forget our members that have lost loved and those that are ill. Please keep our veterans and all of our fellow Americans that have lost everything in recent storms and now somehow have to start over with nothing.

God Bless You All!
Dave Wehrmann

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