President’s Message – June 2024

I hope by now that everyone has been able to catch a break in the weather and get the crops planted. It’s always a beautiful site to watch as the rows and rows of the corn or soybeans grow and mature for harvest. So, with the calendar flipping to June everyone should be getting prepared for the next tractor ride, plow day or show. They just keep on coming from here on, so keep the fuel tanks full and ready to go. Our first ride is June 7th to the Manteno Veterans Home. I hope everyone can make it. Details are available by calling Jim Morgan at 708-516-1884 and to Rsvp. Bring a friend and enjoy some coffee and donuts with us before it starts. Our next meeting is June 19th at 7:00 pm at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall. Keep your eyes on the Greensheet for upcoming events. Join our new club Facebook page as well to get the latest news.

Please remember to be careful out there and very cautious when traveling down our roads. That’s no matter what you are driving. I’m sure you’ve all seen a few close ones on the roads. It’s very obvious that drivers aren’t paying attention and have no respect for the other guy. Don’t assume they will stop or yield or give you the right of way you are entitled to by law. It’s a race track out there everyday. Get up earlier, drive a bit slower, and enjoy it when you get there. As always remember those who may be ill and those who may have lost a loved one. Feel free to call me with any news or suggestions. If you don’t leave a voicemail and your name I will not respond. Enjoy life one day at a time everyone. It’s too short and there is no time machine to go back on and do it over.

Sincerely, Dave Wehrmann

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