President’s Message – January 2025

Before I go any further, I want to thank everyone for attending the CIGC Annual Meeting and Christmas Party. I want to give my sincere thanks to everyone responsible for all their extra efforts for planning and the hard work to keep count of the RSVP list, arrangements for the meal, the meal service, decorating the hall, donations for the silent auction and for all of the wonderful desserts that made the night a success. A sincere thanks to all the Directors for all you do and for remaining on the Board with me. I am looking forward to another great year as President and with your help it will be. Thanks to all the Members that continue to support our Club. Let us continue to carry on in 2025 and enjoy more events and some new ones along the way. Keep in mind that once again there will be two rides to the Manteno Veterans Home in 2025. The first one late spring and the second one early fall. Dates to be decided. This event has begun to grow in size and popularity every year. We need to thank Jim Morgan for his efforts. He has gone above and beyond to allow us to start the rides from his facilities and make arrangements with Becky Wilder to set up the available dates. He was instrumental in changing the rides to Fridays instead of Saturdays which has worked out great. Please remember that you are welcome to attend even if you do not have a tractor. I am very proud to tell everyone about this event and how we donate pop and various packaged treats to them several times a year. It is very rewarding to see the smiles on their faces as they reminisce about days gone by that they may have farmed and or owned a tractor like one of us drove out there. We must keep this event going! Keep an eye out for more events to come that will be listed in the Greensheet. Please remember there will be no membership meetings in January, February, or March but there will be a monthly Greensheet. Directors will meet in March and the date will be announced soon.

I hope everyone has a wonderful year in 2025. Please don’t forget to remember those that may be ill and the families that have lost loved ones. Pray for the safety of our Veterans, active, retired or departed, as they give or gave their all so we may be safe and enjoy our beautiful country. God Bless all of you!

Dave Wehrmann

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