President’s Message – February 2025

I hope everyone is staying healthy. Our friend the groundhog has made his prediction and so far, it looks like it is accurate. Spring temperatures have vanished and winter precipitation is becoming a problem for many. Thankfully we have had bare dirt out in the fields to help that frost penetrate and break up the compaction. Here we are in February and the time continues to fly. With it being a short month March is not far away and the days are getting longer. Ahhh, yes, more daylight which hopefully means more warm hours in each day forward. Let us sit back and thank the Lord for all the milder weather we have had so far this winter. We should not be complaining at all. If you are looking for things to do check out the Greensheet for upcoming events. Directors, please remember there will be a

Director’s Meeting (Tuesday March 18th) and a definite date will be announced soon. I would like to take this time to ask everyone to say a prayer for those who have lost loved ones or may be having health issues. Thank you. We all have many things to be thankful for. Family and friends, good health and the best country, The United States of America! Remember all our veterans that had a part in making it what it is today. We also must not forget the thousands of our men and women risking everything, every day to maintain what we have and see to it that it will continue to get better.

God Bless our Troops! God Bless America! Respectfully,
Dave Wehrmann

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