November CIGC Pot Luck Meeting
Meat, drinks, and tableware are provided. Please bring a dish to pass.
Meat, drinks, and tableware are provided. Please bring a dish to pass.
This will be voted on during the October 14, 2012 meeting. Be there if you want or are able to go. Cost is $20 per person.
Reservations are required for this meeting since dinner will be served. Dinner cost is $15 per person. Please call Marj VonQualen at 815-253-6493 or Nancy Evans at 815-545-0726 to make reservations.
Held at the Will County Fairgrounds Atrium Building in Peotone, IL.
There will be a featured speaker at this meeting.
For details go to the PBL FFA Website.
This years tractor drive is raising money from the FFA.
Featuring tractor: International
There will be a featured speaker at this meeting.