September CIGC Meeting

Bonfield Lions Hall 148 South Stanford, Bonfield, IL, United States

October CIGC Meeting

Bonfield Lions Hall 148 South Stanford, Bonfield, IL, United States

CaseIH Magnum Plant Tour

This will be voted on during the October 14, 2012 meeting. Be there if you want or are able to go. Cost is $20 per person.

CIGC Christmas Dinner Metting

Reservations are required for this meeting since dinner will be served. Dinner cost is $15 per person. Please call Marj VonQualen at 815-253-6493 or Nancy Evans at 815-545-0726 to make reservations.


January CIGC Meeting

Bonfield Lions Hall 148 South Stanford, Bonfield, IL, United States

There will be a featured speaker at this meeting.