President’s Message – October 2022

I’m sure everyone has been a little chilled lately but it is fall time in October.

Do you remember what you were saying when it was 90 degrees? It’s all good and we have it much better than many living elsewhere. Harvest is moving along well as everyone hopes for and watch out for those farm vehicles. When you’re finished with harvesting there’s some homework to tend to. Since the trees are coloring a bit due to the frosty mornings and dry weather get your rakes ready. Trim back the perennials and water shrubs, trees and evergreens. It’s really dry. Evergreens need water year-round to survive and support that green when it’s this dry. Trees drop leaves but the roots are still growing and looking for nutrients and water. Chop up leaves and apply turf winterizer fertilizer. Sit down and read the greensheet Now back to the Club stuff. We picked up some new members at RTR and Rodney’s plow day this year which entitles them to our newsletter and enjoying our Club activities in 2022. We hope they will sign on with us in December to enjoy the 2023 events with us. Our October membership meeting is Oct 19, 2022 at Bonfield Lions Club Hall at 7:00 pm. Our annual November potluck is November 16, 2022 at Bonfield Lions Club Hall at 6:00 pm. Members may bring desserts the meal is furnished by the Club. RSVP by October 19th please and contact Ann Roach or Jim Moody. Keep in mind that our Christmas party will be at the Bonfield Lions Club Hall this year on December 14th. Please remember our families that have lost loved ones and everyone that is ill. I hope to see you all at our upcoming events. Stay alert when driving as farm traffic and Bambi’s are everywhere since it’s that time of year.

Dave Wehrmann

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